var style = document.createElement("style"); addEventListener("load", () => { let cs = document.querySelectorAll(".colorselector > *"); cs.forEach(c => c.addEventListener("change", updateColors)); document.querySelector("head").appendChild(style); updateColors(); showPresets(); const p = presets[Math.floor(Math.random() * presets.length)]; applyPreset(p); document.querySelector(".colorselector .config").addEventListener("click", toggleSettings); document.querySelector(".settings .close").addEventListener("click", toggleSettings); }); function updateColors() { let cs = document.querySelectorAll(".colorselector > *"); let p = {main: cs[0].value, text: cs[1].value, bg: cs[2].value}; console.log(p); let t = new Theme(p); t.apply(); } function toggleSettings() { document.querySelector(".settings").classList.toggle("open"); } let presets = [ {main: "#2ebdf5", text: "#ffffff", bg: "#040813"}, {main: "#f5b62e", text: "#ffffff", bg: "#040813"}, {main: "#FF6565", text: "#ffffff", bg: "#0f0413"}, {main: "#9b8fe4", text: "#cfcef4", bg: "#090818", siteBg: "#100E22"}, {main: "#337e2c", text: "#031601", bg: "#f3f7f2"}, {main: "#1c71d8", text: "#030e1c", bg: "#ffffff"}, {main: "#9141ac", text: "#613583", bg: "#f6edf7"}, {main: "#a51d2d", text: "#3d3846", bg: "#f1e9e8"}, {main: "#865e3c", text: "#63452c", bg: "#f9f7f4", siteBg: "#ffffff"} ]; function showPresets() { let presetsEl = document.querySelector(".presets"); presets.forEach(p => { let el = document.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = `
`; el.addEventListener("click", () => { applyPreset(p); }); presetsEl.appendChild(el); }); } function applyPreset(p) { let cs = document.querySelectorAll(".colorselector > *"); cs[0].value = p.main; cs[1].value = p.text; cs[2].value =; updateColors(); let html = document.querySelector("html"); = ""; if(p.siteBg) = p.siteBg; } class Color { r; g; b; a; constructor(r, g, b, a = 1) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.a = a; } clone() { return new Color(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a); } static fromHex(hex) { return new Color(...this.hexToRgb(hex)); } static hexToRgb(hex) { hex = hex.replace(/^#/, ''); const r = parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16) / 255; const g = parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16) / 255; const b = parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16) / 255; return [r, g, b]; } rgbFormat() { return `rgba(${this.r*255}, ${this.g*255}, ${this.b*255}, ${this.a})`; } contrast(otherColor) { const getRelativeLuminance = (rgb) => { const sRGB = rgb / 255; return sRGB <= 0.03928 ? sRGB / 12.92 : Math.pow((sRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); }; const luminance1 = getRelativeLuminance(this.r) * 0.2126 + getRelativeLuminance(this.g) * 0.7152 + getRelativeLuminance(this.b) * 0.0722; const luminance2 = getRelativeLuminance(otherColor.r) * 0.2126 + getRelativeLuminance(otherColor.g) * 0.7152 + getRelativeLuminance(otherColor.b) * 0.0722; const contrastRatio = (Math.max(luminance1, luminance2) + 0.05) / (Math.min(luminance1, luminance2) + 0.05); return (contrastRatio*100)-100; } equals(otherColor) { return this.r == otherColor.r && this.g == otherColor.g && this.b == otherColor.b && this.a == otherColor.a; } } class Theme { main; text; bg; constructor(opt) { this.main = Color.fromHex(opt.main); this.text = Color.fromHex(opt.text); = Color.fromHex(; } apply() { style.innerHTML = this.generate(); } generate() { let variables = []; variables.push(this.var("border", this.cArgb(this.main, .4))); variables.push(this.var("border-active", this.cArgb(this.main))); variables.push(this.var("focus-highlight", this.cArgb(this.main, .25))); variables.push(this.var("label", this.cArgb(this.main, .8))); variables.push(this.var("label-active", this.cArgb(this.main))); variables.push(this.var("btn-primary-bg", this.cArgb(this.main, .8))); variables.push(this.var("btn-primary-bg-active", this.cArgb(this.main, .5))); variables.push(this.var("btn-primary-bg-hover", this.cArgb(this.main))); let btnBg = new Color(.6, .6, .6); variables.push(this.var("btn-bg", this.cArgb(btnBg, .3))); variables.push(this.var("btn-bg-active", this.cArgb(btnBg, .6))); variables.push(this.var("btn-bg-hover", this.cArgb(btnBg, .4))); variables.push(this.var("text-color", this.text.rgbFormat())); variables.push(this.var("bg",; if(this.main.contrast( < .3) alert("Contrast between main color and the background is low!"); if( < .3) alert("Contrast between text color and the background is low!"); let styles = [`:root {${variables.join("")}}`]; let btnColor = this.getBtnColor(this.main, this.text); if(btnColor != this.text) styles.push(`.btn.btn-primary {${this.var("text-color", btnColor.rgbFormat())}}`); return styles.join("\n"); } getBtnColor(main, text) { let white = new Color(1, 1, 1); let black = new Color(0, 0, 0); let cText = main.contrast(text); let cWhite = main.contrast(white); return cWhite > .3 ? white : cText > .3 ? text : black; } cArgb(color, alpha = 1) { let c = color.clone(); c.a = alpha; return c.rgbFormat(); } var(name, value) { return `--synergy-${name}: ${value};`; } }