import { reactive } from "petite-vue"; var style = document.createElement("style"); addEventListener("load", () => { document.querySelector("head")!.appendChild(style); }); export namespace Exporter { export let parts = reactive([ {name: "Buttons", file: "button", enabled: true}, {name: "Fields", file: "input", enabled: true}, {name: "Toggles", file: "toggle", enabled: true}, {name: "Checkboxes and radios", file: "checkbox", enabled: true}, {name: "Tabs", file: "tabs", enabled: true}, ]); interface Result { name: string, css: string, size: number, size_gzip: number } export async function get(theme: Theme) { let cssParts = [theme.generate()]; for(let p of parts) { if(p.enabled) { let value = await (await fetch(`./${p.file}.css`)).text(); value = `/* ${} */\n\n${value}`; cssParts.push(value); } } let css = cssParts.join("\n\n/* ------------------- */\n\n"); let results: Result[] = []; await addResult(results, "synergy.min.css", minify(css)); await addResult(results, "synergy.css", css); return results; } async function addResult(results: Result[], name: string, css: string) { results.push({ name, css, size: getSize(css), size_gzip: await getCompressedSize(css) }); } async function getCompressedSize(content: string) { let ds = new CompressionStream("gzip"); let blob = new Blob([content]); let compressedStream =; return (await new Response(compressedStream).blob()).size; } function getSize(content: string) { return (new TextEncoder().encode(content)).length } function minify(value: string) { return value .replace(/([^0-9a-zA-Z\.#])\s+/g, "$1") .replace(/\s([^0-9a-zA-Z\.#]+)/g, "$1") .replace(/;}/g, "}") .replace(/\/\*.*?\*\//g, ""); } } export interface Preset { main: string, text: string, bg: string, siteBg?: string } export class Color { r: number; g: number; b: number; a: number; constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number = 1) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.a = a; } clone() { return new Color(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a); } static fromHex(hex: string) { let [r, g, b] = this.hexToRgb(hex); return new Color(r, g, b); } static hexToRgb(hex: string) { hex = hex.replace(/^#/, ''); const r = parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16) / 255; const g = parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16) / 255; const b = parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16) / 255; return [r, g, b]; } rgbFormat() { let rgb = `${this.r*255}, ${this.g*255}, ${this.b*255}`; return this.a == 1 ? `rgb(${rgb})` : `rgba(${rgb}, ${this.a})`; } hexFormat() { let hex = `#${(1 << 24 | (this.r*255) << 16 | (this.g*255) << 8 | (this.b*255)).toString(16).slice(1)}`; return this.a != 1 ? `${hex}${(Math.floor(this.a * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))}` : hex; } contrast(otherColor: Color) { const getRelativeLuminance = (rgb: number) => { const sRGB = rgb / 255; return sRGB <= 0.03928 ? sRGB / 12.92 : Math.pow((sRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); }; const luminance1 = getRelativeLuminance(this.r) * 0.2126 + getRelativeLuminance(this.g) * 0.7152 + getRelativeLuminance(this.b) * 0.0722; const luminance2 = getRelativeLuminance(otherColor.r) * 0.2126 + getRelativeLuminance(otherColor.g) * 0.7152 + getRelativeLuminance(otherColor.b) * 0.0722; const contrastRatio = (Math.max(luminance1, luminance2) + 0.05) / (Math.min(luminance1, luminance2) + 0.05); return (contrastRatio*100)-100; } equals(otherColor: Color) { return this.r == otherColor.r && this.g == otherColor.g && this.b == otherColor.b; } mix(color: Color, ratio: number): Color { const r = Math.round(this.r*255 * (1 - ratio) + color.r*255 * ratio); const g = Math.round(this.g*255 * (1 - ratio) + color.g*255 * ratio); const b = Math.round(this.b*255 * (1 - ratio) + color.b*255 * ratio); return new Color(r/255, g/255, b/255); } } export class Theme { main: Color; text: Color; bg: Color; constructor(opt: Preset) { this.main = Color.fromHex(opt.main); this.text = Color.fromHex(opt.text); = Color.fromHex(; } apply() { style.innerHTML = this.generate(); } generate() { let variables = []; variables.push(this.var("border", this.cAlpha(this.main, .4))); variables.push(this.var("border-active", this.cAlpha(this.main))); variables.push(this.var("border-width", "2px")); variables.push(this.var("border-radius", ".375rem")) variables.push(this.var("focus-highlight", this.cAlpha(this.main, .25))); variables.push(this.var("tab-highlight", this.cAlpha(this.main, .1))); variables.push(this.var("label", this.cMix(this.main,, .8))); variables.push(this.var("label-active", this.cMix(this.main,; variables.push(this.var("btn-primary-bg", this.cMix(this.main,, .8))); variables.push(this.var("btn-primary-bg-active", this.cMix(this.main,, .5))); variables.push(this.var("btn-primary-bg-hover", this.cMix(this.main,; let btnBg = Color(.6, .6, .6), .8).mix(this.main, .1); variables.push(this.var("btn-bg", this.cMix(btnBg,, .3))); variables.push(this.var("btn-bg-active", this.cMix(btnBg,, .6))); variables.push(this.var("btn-bg-hover", this.cMix(btnBg,, .4))); variables.push(this.var("text-color", this.text.hexFormat())); variables.push(this.var("bg",; if(this.main.contrast( < .3) alert("Contrast between main color and the background is low!"); if( < .3) alert("Contrast between text color and the background is low!"); let styles = [`:root {\n${variables.join("\n")}\n}`]; let btnColor = this.getBtnColor(this.main, this.text); if(btnColor != this.text) styles.push(`.btn.btn-primary {\n${this.var("text-color", btnColor.hexFormat())}\n}`); return styles.join("\n\n"); } getBtnColor(main: Color, text: Color) { let white = new Color(1, 1, 1); let black = new Color(0, 0, 0); let cText = main.contrast(text); let cWhite = main.contrast(white); return cWhite > .3 ? white : cText > .3 ? text : black; } cMix(color: Color, color2: Color, ratio: number = 1) { let c = color2.mix(color, ratio); return c.hexFormat(); } cAlpha(color: Color, alpha: number = 1) { let c = color.clone(); c.a = alpha; return c.hexFormat(); } var(name: string, value: string) { return `\t--synergy-${name}: ${value};`; } }